Discover more about our recent accomplishments at Rubix M&E by delving into our latest updates. We have a wealth of information highlighting our triumphs in successfully matching skilled candidates with top-tier companies in the sector.


How to write a stand-out CV

Compiling a CV allows you to summarise your academic achievements, abilities and relevant work experience, allowing you to effectively showcase your skills to potential employers. A standard CV in…

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Accelerate the hiring process using Rubix M&E

Hiring new staff can take up a lot of time and money, and there’s no guarantee of finding the right fit. However, by enlisting the help of Rubix M&E,…

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Energy Industy News

Shaping Tomorrow: The Evolution of the Renewable Energy Market in 2024

In an era where sustainability is paramount, the renewable energy market stands at the forefront of global change. With innovations in solar, electric vehicles (EVs), and air source heat…

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Embracing Excellence: Working at Rubix M&E

When you join Rubix M&E, it is more than just a job; it’s a delightful journey within a close-knit family that thrives on dedication, teamwork, and a shared vision…

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Rubix M&E Unveils Exciting Rebrand: Your Path to the Perfect Opportunity

In the fast-paced world of job searching, staying ahead of the curve is essential for any company looking to make a lasting impact. After a year of dedicated effort,…

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